Job Seekers
Unlock Thriving,
Engaged Teams with AI
Simply upload your resume to discover its score against your dream jobs. Our AI helps improve your resume with personalised feedback and recommendations.
Illustration of L10: AI Workforce Management Platform
Illustration of L10: Crafting Winning Resumes with AIIllustration of L10: Crafting Winning Resumes with AI
L10: Seamless Integration: Job Matching Made Simple
Quick results: simply upload your resume
Paste a job description, then upload your resumes – you can instantly gauge the chances of securing an interview and receive recommendations to improve your resumes.
Our AI is smart enough to handle different resume layouts, so you don't have to worry about it getting confused with how yours is designed.
Role-Specific Resumes
Create a tailor-made resume for each role
Every job is different, so your resume should be too! Use L10 to boost your chances of getting a job.
L10 comprehends the specific demands of each job description, guiding you to craft resumes that perfectly match criteria.
L10: Analytical Precision at Lightning Speed
L10: Comprehensive Analysis, Personalised Guidance
In-Depth Evaluation
Comprehensive analysis with personalised guidance
L10 explores the intricacies between your resume and job description, giving you a comprehensive evaluation of your resume's performance.
Understand your strengths and weaknesses, critical keywords to include, receive personalised improvement suggestions, potential interview questions, and more.
Customer Feedback Analysis
Transform customer surveys and interviews into business growth
L10 analyses customer surveys and interview recordings - to uncover patterns, sentiments, and improvement opportunities, ensuring a customer-centric approach to growth.
L10: Transform customer surveys and interviews into business growth
Multilingual Support
Use the right language for your resume
Our AI goes beyond comprehension in English, proficiently understanding resumes in Spanish, Chinese, German, French, Japanese and Korean.
Gain valuable insights and advice in your preferred language – to ensure your job search knows no language limits.
L10: Global Reach: Multilingual Proficiency
L10: Data Privacy & Security at the Heart of Our Values
Data Security
Steered by ethics: data privacy core to our values
We strictly follows GDPR rules and security measures. Guided by ethics, we are committed to ensuring your data stays secured, and maintaining transparent in how we safeguard it.
Learn more in our Privacy Policy, GDPR Commitment, and Data Security sections. for Entreprises
Your Partner in Building Stronger Organisational Cultures
Security isn't just a priority for us; it's foundational. At, we recognise the immense responsibility of handling sensitive employee data. That's why we don’t just comply with GDPR; we strive to set the gold standard in data protection.
But our commitment doesn’t stop at security. We're in the business of understanding and amplifying your unique organisational culture. Why? Because we believe that every enterprise – whether a budding startup or a global conglomerate – thrives when its culture is nurtured and its employees are engaged.
Here's our promise:
AI-Driven Personalization: Our advanced AI is attuned to your unique culture, delivering tailored analytics and actionable recommendations specific to your organisation.
Full Confidence Guarantee: If you're not entirely satisfied, rest easy with our 30-day money-back promise.
Holistic Expertise: Beyond AI, leverage our deep expertise in workplace culture, employee experience, and survey design to enhance your organisational dynamics.
Choose Together, let's sculpt an organisational culture where your employees don’t just work, they thrive.
See Our Mission