Resume Screening
Identify top talents effortlessly with AI
Paste the job description, upload resumes, and let L10's ResumeScreen™ find the best fits for you. Start making accurate hiring decisions faster, with data-driven insights!
Identify top talents effortlessly with AI
Illustration of L10: Crafting Winning Resumes with AI
L10: Quick results with only job description and candidate resumes
Instant Result
Quick results with only job description and candidate resumes
Paste job description, then upload resumes – you can easily find the best candidates and get a comprehensive analysis of their profiles.
Our tool is intuitive enough that you can have anyone in your company to do so for you.
Customisable Hiring Criteria
Hire better, together with your team
Make hiring easier and more effective by combining your team's diverse perspectives.
Our AI identifies the best candidates by matching job requirements with multiple hiring criteria. Let every team member contribute their requirements, and find the perfect fit for the team and your organisation.
L10: Hire better, together with your team
L10: Find the best fits effortlessly with precision
Find the best fits effortlessly with precision
Move beyond ATS's keyword matching* and find the top candidate quickly and accurately.
Our AI comprehensively understands and diagnoses each candidate's skills and experience, ensuring you don't miss high-quality candidates and improving the overall quality of your hires (QoH).
* Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) pose challenges such as keyword dependency, formatting issues, limited context understanding, etc.
Detailed Report
In-depth diagnoses for informed interviews
Get a comprehensive report on each candidate, highlighting their strengths, weaknesses, and potential.
Our AI provides a detailed analysis of their skills, experience, and fit for the role, along with suggested interview questions and technical assessments to help you identify the best candidate for the job.
L10: In-depth diagnoses for informed interviews
L10: Comprehend resumes in multiple languages
Multilingual Understanding
Comprehend resumes in multiple languages
Break down language barriers and find the best talent worldwide!
Our AI can understand resumes in multiple languages, including Spanish, Chinese, German, French, Japanese, and Korean, helping you discover top candidates regardless of their language.